Corporate Liability Shield

Why Having Your Worker’s Compensation Insurance Directly With an Insurance Company Can Be Hazardous To Your Wealth!

We would like to start by asking if you had a tax problem, the IRS was claiming you owe $275,000, without help, would you talk to them or hire a tax specialist?  What if you needed brain surgery?  Are you going to use an internist or a brain specialist?  Lastly, divorce.  Going to use a local generalist attorney who handles 1 divorce a year or a specialist who handles 100?

Get my point!  Cutting corners by using inexperienced people may appear saving you money but in the end costs hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands more!

Like taxes, medicine and legal issues, Workers Compensation has a manual that’s 500+ pages thick.  It’s packed with rules.  If you have not read the manual and know the ins and outs, companies whose personnel operate in factory like mode probably don’t know them and if they do probably will not explain them to you!

That is why you want to bring us into the picture!  BGES Group, a New York’s Workers’ Comp Specialist, offers EXPERT advice to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut business owners.  Companies we are GREAT at HELPING areConstruction, Limousine, Manufacturing, Wholesale, Distributor, Office, Real Estate, anyone that owns a business in the tri-state area!

Audits – This is where so many employers get hurt!  Paying thousands, tens of thousands more than you should be!  Many insurance companies use outside firms to do their audits.  They do such volume it’s our opinion 30%+ have mistakes, especially if you are a contractor!  Every month we go back and forth with companies straightening out auditor mistakes and over charges.  We’ve encountered mistakes of up to $120,000+.  Do you think your company is going to scour your audits for mistakes?  Do you think they even know what to look for?  If you have to get your accountant involved what are they going to charge you?  In our opinion so many businesses are overpaying, they have no clue though.  Guess what, this no longer has to be the case!  BGES Group reviews client audits.  We find the mistakes, get on the phone and get our client’s audits corrected so they pay no more than they have to.  Are you a contractor?  Then you need us on your side!  Every month we find mistakes in contractor audits!   Would you like to avoid an annual audit?  We may be able to help you do that!

Has anyone told you about this financially crippling issue?  You are a contractor.  Your home office is in state A.  You get a job in State B.  Job will take three (3) months.  Two months into job your employee falls from a ladder and breaks his back.  This employee happens to live in State B so his family takes him to their local hospital.  Do you have coverage under your policy or not?  In our opinion at least 50%+ DO NOT!  Do you know why?  Do you know what kind of financial nightmare you are looking at?  Do you know how many years you could be dealing with this financial nightmare?  Do you think your employee will get legal representation?  Can you afford fighting them for 5, 10, 15+ years?

Limousine Companies.  This is a very tough class of business to insure.  We know of just a few companies offering coverage.  At least one has no financial rating.  Most are insured with one organization.  But there’s a second company we feel offers better protection.  We also feel they offer great audit, billing, customer service and rates!  Limo companies drive in many states.  It is critical to be with a company that can provide THE RIGHT protection in multiple states!   We represent this excellent company and we are guessing you are not with them.  Call 914-806-5853 we will get you a quote.

Experience Modification Factor – Do you know what an Experience Modification Factor (EMR) is?  It is an adjustment of an employer’s premium for worker’s compensation coverage based on the losses the insurer has experienced from that employer. An experience modifier of 1 would be applied for an employer that had demonstrated the actuarially expected performance. Poorer loss experience leads to a modifier greater than 1, and better experience to a modifier less than 1.  Let me ask you, do you think a factory like mode insurance company is going to check your EMR?  Do you think the front line customer service personnel even know where to start?  Do you know what an EMR of 1.40 does to your cost?   How it prevents you from getting new business?  Do you know how to lower it?  That is another reason to turn to BGES Group for your coverage needs.

There is a Workers’ Comp manual that is 500+ pages thick.  It discusses payroll classifications, credits, EMRs, definition of payroll, the list goes on and on.  How would you like to work with one person who knows the rules and can help you save money?  Unlike accountants or other professionals we do not charge for our service!   Do you think using rules to your advantage can save you hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of dollars?  We know they can!

We are here to help!  We want to help!  Call Gary at 914-806-5853 and you get to speak to a New York expert who is knowledgeable, helpful, professional and who knows how to talk and treat people!

About Us:

BGES Group’s office, located in Larchmont, NY is a full service insurance agency offering, Property, Liability, Umbrella Liability, Business Auto, Bid & Performance Bonds, Inland Marine, Worker’s Compensation, New York State Disability, Group Health, Life insurance, Personal lines and Identity Theft.  

BGES Group are Worker’s Compensation Specialists for the States of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut – Issues we address: 1) Lowering pricing – we have specialty programs that can save you up to 40%; 2) Finding a new company; 3) Being cancelled or non renewed; 4) Audit disputes; 5) Company creating fictitious payroll at audit time; 6) Lowering high experience modifications factors; 7) Misclassification of payrolls; 8) Lowering or eliminating renewal deposits;   9) Getting coverage when you’ve been without for a few months; 10) Covering multiple states under one policy; 11) Eliminating 10% service or policy fees; 12) Timely issuance of certificates; 13) Always being able to get someone on the phone or by email when you need to.

Special Contractor Insurance Programs (NY) – We we have 50 insurance companies to market your general liability, umbrella liability, business auto, workers compensation, bid & performance bonds and group health coverages.  We help contractors set up proper risk transfer mechanisms.  If you’re a contractor we offer extensive information about insurance markets, coverages, risk transfer mechanisms, subcontractor screening, ways to lower your insurance costs that lower them.    

New Jersey and Connecticut Contractors:  We have a fiercely competitively priced (savings up to 50%)  General Liability, Umbrella Liability, Business Auto, Workers Compensation program.  Want to lower these costs?  Get a quote today! 

Identity Theft – Over the past year hundreds of thousands of people have had to deal with identity theft.  This has become such a huge problem so we now offer Identity Theft Protection. We heard stories of kids going for car loans and learning they owe $200,000+ to companies they never heard of.  Under our program you can protect yourself, spouse and up to 10 children.  Anyone you know can purchase this protection though our plan!  Click here to learn more or sign up. 

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or email or visit our website:

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538


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