Eight (8) Questions Every Carpentry Contractor in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut Should Ask Their Insurance Provider

Navigating the ins and outs of carpentry contractor insurance in the tri-state area isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about securing your business’s future. Here’s what you need to know to ensure you’re fully covered.

1. What kind of coverage does my carpentry business really need?

The foundation of securing a solid insurance plan begins with understanding the specifics of what your business encounters daily. From property damage to legal liabilities, assessing the scope of potential risks is crucial. General liability insurance is a must-have, but don’t overlook the importance of specialised coverages like commercial auto and workers’ compensation. Each project and piece of equipment introduces unique challenges and dangers, making comprehensive coverage not just advisable, but essential.

2. How does geographical location impact my insurance rates?

Your carpentry business’s location can significantly influence your insurance premiums. Urban areas, especially in places like New York, often face higher rates due to increased risks of theft, vandalism, and even liability lawsuits. Factors such as the local climate and natural disaster prevalence (think hurricanes in Connecticut or blizzards in New Jersey) also play into how much you’re paying. Understanding this will help you better budget for your insurance costs while ensuring you’re not underinsured for your area’s specific risks.

3. Are there any insurance discounts available for carpentry contractors?

Yes, discounts aren’t just for personal insurance; they’re also applicable to business policies. Many providers offer reduced rates for businesses that implement safety training programs, utilize security systems, or maintain a claims-free history. Additionally, bundling different policies with the same carrier can also lead to savings. Don’t hesitate to ask your provider about potential discounts. It’s an excellent way to reduce costs without compromising on coverage.

4. What happens if my carpentry tools and equipment get damaged or stolen?

Tools and equipment are the lifeblood of your carpentry business, and their loss can lead to significant downtime and out-of-pocket expenses. Look for policies that offer contractor’s equipment insurance, which covers repair or replacement costs. Whether damage occurs on-site, in transit, or at your shop, this coverage ensures you won’t have to pause operations for long. It’s essential to document your tools and keep detailed records, as this will streamline the claims process should an incident occur.

5. Does employee injury coverage differ from state to state?

Yes, the requirements and extent of worker’s compensation insurance can vary widely across New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Each state has its own set of rules and minimum coverage amounts. It’s critical to research your state’s specific mandates to ensure compliance and protect your employees effectively. Worker’s compensation doesn’t just cover medical expenses; it can also provide disability benefits and lost wages, making it a cornerstone of your business’s safety net.

6. How can I ensure my subcontractors are also covered?

Ensuring that your subcontractors are adequately insured is a shared responsibility. Have a policy that requires all subcontractors to carry their own insurance, including workers’ compensation and liability insurance. This approach not only protects them but also shields your business from potential liabilities. Verifying their coverage through certificates of insurance before starting work can prevent complications down the line. Remember, clear communication and contractual agreements about insurance expectations are key to a smooth partnership.

In instances where subcontractors are not insured, your policy may extend to cover them, but this often leads to higher premiums for you. Evaluate the risks and benefits thoroughly to decide the best approach for your business.

7. What impact does the size of my carpentry business have on my insurance policy?

The size of your carpentry business directly influences your insurance needs and costs. Larger businesses with more employees, more significant assets, and more complex projects tend to face higher risks and thus require more extensive coverage. However, business growth also offers an opportunity to reassess your policy and ensure it reflects your changing needs. An annual insurance review is a good practice to adapt your coverage as your business scales and evolves.

8. Are there specific insurance requirements for carpentry projects in high-risk areas?

Projects located in areas prone to natural disasters or high crime rates may require specialized insurance coverages. Flood or earthquake endorsements might be necessary in addition to your standard policy. Likewise, projects in urban areas might demand higher liability limits. Talking to a local insurance expert can provide insights into the specific requirements and risks associated with your project’s location. Always consider the unique characteristics of each project site when discussing your insurance needs.

BGES Group is one of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut’s Construction Insurance Specialists representing 50+ companies, including all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs. We offer all the coverage needed, including property, builders’ risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability, and group health.  Our commitment to you goes beyond the policies we provide. We are always just a call, text, or email away, ready to assist you, even on weekends. We understand the importance of your business and are here to help you navigate any insurance challenges.

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being canceled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, misclassified payrolls, or whatever your issue. We can help!  We have special programs for Auto Services, Contractors (especially in New York), Limousine Services, Logistics Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Truckers; we can help ANY tri-state business owner. We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that, if we can get you into, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability, and can cover multi-state operations. The program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits, too.

If you want to speak with us, call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853, click here to email, or visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group

Many Small Businesses Can’t Detect Workers’ Comp Fraud

Fraud eats away at workers’ comp costs for all businesses, but it hits small firms the hardest as they may not have the resources to identify bogus claims.

According to a new study by workers’ comp insurer Employers Holdings Inc., about 20% of small-business owners are unprepared to identify workers’ compensation fraud.

It’s estimated that at least 10% of claims are fraudulent, so identifying those illicit claims would keep your workers’ comp claims in check and reduce premiums.

Claims fraud happens when an employee tries to gain workers’ comp benefits by falsely stating that an injury or illness occurred at work or by exaggerating an existing injury or disease.

“Workers’ compensation fraud is a serious crime that can strain business operations, lead to higher insurance costs for businesses, and even undermine honest workers legitimately injured on the job,” said Ranney Pageler, vice president of fraud investigations at Employers Holdings.

The company found:

  • 13% of small-business owners are concerned that one of their employees would commit workers’ comp fraud by faking an injury or illness to collect benefits.
  • 21% are unsure of their ability to identify such fraud.
  • 24% have installed surveillance cameras to monitor employees on the job.

The most vital indicators of potential claims fraud noted by survey respondents include:

  • The employee had a history of claims (58%).
  • There were no witnesses to the incident (52%).
  • The employee did not promptly report the injury or illness (52%).
  • The reported incident coincided with a change in employment status (51%).

What you can do

Pageler recommends that small-business owners look for the following warning signs:

  • Monday morning (or start of shift) injury reports. The alleged injury occurs first thing Monday morning or late Friday afternoon but is reported on Monday.
  • Employment changes. The reported accident occurs immediately before or after a strike, job termination, layoff, end of a big project, or the conclusion of seasonal work.
  • Suspicious providers. The employee’s medical providers or legal consultants have a history of handling suspicious claims, or groups of claimants use the same doctors and lawyers.
  • There are no witnesses to the accident, and the employee’s description does not logically support the cause of the injury.
  • Conflicting descriptions. The worker’s accident description conflicts with the medical history or injury report.
  • History of claims. The claimant has a history of suspicious or litigated claims.
  • Refusal of treatment. The claimant refuses a diagnostic procedure to confirm the nature or extent of an injury.
  • Late reporting. The employee needs a reasonable explanation to report the claim.
  • The allegedly disabled claimant is hard to reach at home and does not respond promptly to messages.
  • Frequent changes. The claimant has a history of frequently changing physicians, addresses, or jobs.

It should be noted that one of these indicators alone may not indicate fraud, so don’t jump to conclusions.

If you suspect a worker may be committing claims fraud, you should first alert the special investigations unit or fraud unit within your insurance company’s claims department.

If the insurer deems that the claim may be fraudulent, the appropriate law enforcement authorities will likely be involved in the investigation. But that will only happen after the carrier has conducted its investigation.

BGES Group is one of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut’s Construction Insurance Specialists representing 50+ companies, including all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs. We offer all the coverage needed, including property, builders’ risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability, and group health.  Our commitment to you goes beyond the policies we provide. We are always just a call, text, or email away, ready to assist you, even on weekends. We understand the importance of your business and are here to help you navigate any insurance challenges.

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being canceled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, misclassified payrolls, or whatever your issue. We can help!  We have special programs for Auto Services, Contractors (especially in New York), Limousine Services, Logistics Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Truckers; we can help ANY tri-state business owner. We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that, if we can get you into, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability, and can cover multi-state operations. The program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits, too. 

If you want to speak with us, call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853, click here to email, or visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group

Unhappy with Your Group Health Plan? Well, BGES Group Offers Another Way to “Skin a Cat.”

Navigating the complexities of group health plans can often feel like an uphill battle, leaving many business owners and employees dissatisfied with their current arrangements. If you find yourself in this situation, BGES Group presents a versatile and comprehensive alternative to traditional group health plans. By integrating payroll services, workers’ compensation and group health insurance into one seamless program, BGES Group offers a streamlined approach to managing your business’s insurance and payroll needs.

Five Reasons to Use BGES Group’s Plans

1. **Simplified Administration**

Managing payroll, workers’ compensation, and group health coverage separately can be a logistical nightmare. BGES Group’s plans consolidate these services, reducing administrative burdens and allowing you to focus on running your business. With a single point of contact and integrated services, you save time and avoid the hassle of dealing with multiple providers.

2. **Cost Savings**

By bundling payroll, workers’ compensation, and group health coverage, BGES Group’s plans offer significant cost savings. This integrated approach often results in lower premiums and reduced administrative costs, making it a financially savvy choice for businesses of all sizes.

3. **Compliance and Risk Management**

Staying compliant with the ever-changing landscape of labor laws and regulations can be daunting. BGES Group’s plans provide expert guidance and support to ensure your business remains compliant. From payroll taxes to workers’ compensation regulations and healthcare mandates, BGES Group plans help you navigate these complexities, reducing your risk of costly fines and penalties.

4. **Enhanced Employee Benefits**

Offering competitive benefits is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. BGES Group’s plans include access to high-quality group health coverage options, giving your employees the benefits they need and deserve. By providing a comprehensive benefits package, you can enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn boosts productivity and reduces turnover.

5. **Tailored Solutions**

Every business is unique, and BGES Group understands that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Their plans are customizable to fit the specific needs of your business. Whether you need basic payroll and workers’ compensation services or a full suite of benefits including group health coverage, BGES Group can tailor a solution that aligns with your goals and budget.

Contact BGES Group for a Custom Solution

If you’re frustrated with your current group health plan and are seeking a more efficient, cost-effective, and comprehensive solution, BGES Group is ready to assist. Their integrated plans provide a simplified, cost-saving alternative that enhances compliance, offers superior employee benefits, and is tailored to meet your business’s unique needs.

For help with your insurance and payroll needs, contact Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or email BGESGroup@gmail.com. Let BGES Group show you another way to “skin a cat” and streamline your business operations today.

BGES Group is one of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut’s Construction Insurance Specialists representing 50+ companies, including all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs. We offer all the coverage needed, including property, builders’ risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability, and group health.  Our commitment to you goes beyond the policies we provide. We are always just a call, text, or email away, ready to assist you, even on weekends. We understand the importance of your business and are here to help you navigate any insurance challenges.

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being canceled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, misclassified payrolls, or whatever your issue. We can help!  We have special programs for Auto Services, Contractors (especially in New York), Limousine Services, Logistics Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Truckers; we can help ANY tri-state business owner. We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that, if we can get you into, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability, and can cover multi-state operations. The program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits, too. 

If you want to speak with us, call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853, click here to email, or visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group

BGES Group: Top Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Construction and Transportation Industries

BGES Group is a premier workers’ compensation insurance specialist serving New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Renowned for its personalized service and industry expertise, BGES Group offers exceptional programs tailored specifically for the construction and transportation sectors. These programs, including payroll/workers’ compensation and Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services, are designed to provide comprehensive support and cost-effective solutions for business owners.

Here are five key ways BGES Group can help your business thrive:

1. Streamlined Payroll and Workers’ Compensation Integration

Managing payroll and workers’ compensation separately can be a daunting task for any business owner, especially in the construction and transportation industries where payroll complexities and labor risks are high. BGES Group offers integrated solutions that combine payroll processing with workers’ compensation coverage. This seamless integration not only simplifies administration but also ensures accurate premium calculations, reducing the likelihood of overpayments or audits.

2. Expert Risk Management and Safety Programs

Construction and transportation are inherently risky industries, making safety and risk management crucial. BGES Group program’s provide expert risk management services and safety programs tailored to your specific needs. By identifying potential hazards and implementing preventative measures, BGES Group program’s help businesses reduce workplace injuries and claims. This proactive approach not only protects employees but also minimizes insurance costs and improves overall operational efficiency.

3. Cost-Effective PEO Services

For businesses seeking a more comprehensive solution, BGES Group offers Professional Employer Organization (PEO) services. Through a PEO, businesses can outsource critical HR functions, including payroll, benefits administration, and regulatory compliance, to a team of experts. This allows business owners to focus on core operations while enjoying the benefits of group rates for workers’ compensation and health insurance, leading to significant cost savings.

4. Customized Insurance Programs

No two businesses are alike, and BGES Group understands this well. They offer customized insurance programs that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of construction and transportation companies. Whether you need payroll services, worker’s compensation or group health coverage, BGES Group works closely with you to develop a program that provides the right level of protection without unnecessary costs.

5. Dedicated Support and Industry Expertise

Navigating the complexities of workers’ compensation insurance can be challenging. BGES Group prides itself on providing dedicated support and industry expertise to its clients. With a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape and the specific challenges faced by construction and transportation businesses, BGES Group’s offers guidance and support every step of the way. From policy selection to claims management, their hands-on approach ensures that you receive the best possible service and outcomes.

In the highly competitive and regulated environments of the construction and transportation industries, having a reliable insurance partner is essential. BGES Group’s comprehensive programs and expert services not only protect your business but also contribute to its growth and success. Their commitment to personalized service, cost-effective solutions, and industry expertise makes them a top choice for business owners seeking reliable workers’ compensation insurance.

For more information and personalized assistance, contact Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or bgesgroup@gmail.com. With BGES Group, you can rest assured that your business is in capable hands, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being canceled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, misclassified payrolls, or whatever your issue. We can help!  We have special programs for Auto Services, Contractors (especially in New York), Limousine Services, Logistics Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Truckers; we can help ANY tri-state business owner. We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that, if we can get you into, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability, and can cover multi-state operations. The program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits, too. 

If you want to speak with us, call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853, click here to email, or visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group

construction insurance company

Save Up to 30% on Payroll, Workers’ Compensation, and Group Health Coverage with BGES Group

For business owners in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, the costs associated with payroll services, workers’ compensation insurance, and group health coverage can be a significant burden. Fortunately, BGES Group offers several comprehensive programs designed to help businesses save up to 30% on these essential services.

Comprehensive Payroll and HR Services

Managing payroll can be a complex and time-consuming task, especially for businesses with a large workforce. BGES Group offers several comprehensive payroll and HR services that streamlines this process, ensuring accuracy and compliance with all relevant regulations. By outsourcing these tasks to one of BGES Group’s programs, business owners can focus on running their operations more efficiently.

Inclusive Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is a necessity for any business, protecting both employees and employers in the event of workplace injuries. BGES Group’s programs include robust workers’ compensation insurance, providing peace of mind and financial security. This integrated approach means business owners can manage payroll and workers’ compensation under one roof, simplifying administration and potentially reducing costs.

Optional Group Health Coverage

Group Health insurance is a critical component of employee benefits, helping to attract and retain top talent. Several of BGES Group’s programs offer the option to include group health coverage. By bundling health insurance with payroll and workers’ compensation services, businesses can often negotiate better rates and ensure their employees have access to quality healthcare.

Ideal for Various Industries

BGES Group’s programs are perfect for a wide range of industries, including:

Contractors: Construction companies can benefit from streamlined payroll processes and comprehensive insurance coverage, reducing administrative burdens and mitigating risks.

Manufacturers: Manufacturing firms can ensure their workers are protected and their payroll is managed efficiently, enhancing overall productivity.

Moving and Storage Agents: Businesses in the moving and storage industry can take advantage of tailored insurance and payroll solutions, ensuring compliance and employee satisfaction.

Truckers: Transportation companies can manage their payroll and insurance needs more effectively, focusing on delivering services and expanding their operations.

Benefits of Choosing BGES Group

BGES Group are specialists in providing integrated payroll and workers’ compensation insurance programs. Their expertise extends to offering group health coverage, making them a one-stop solution for business owners seeking to optimize their operational costs.

Cost Savings: By consolidating services, businesses can achieve significant savings, often up to 30%, compared to managing these services separately.

Expert Support: BGES Group provides expert support, ensuring all aspects of payroll, workers’ compensation, and health coverage are handled professionally and efficiently.

Customized Solutions: Each business is unique, and BGES Group’s programs tailor their services to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Streamlined Administration: With all services managed by one of BGES Group’s programs, businesses can simplify their administration, reduce paperwork, and improve overall operational efficiency.

For business owners unhappy with their current providers or those simply looking to reduce costs and improve service quality, BGES Group offers compelling solutions. By partnering with BGES Group, businesses in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut can enjoy comprehensive payroll, workers’ compensation, and group health coverage services that are both cost-effective and tailored to their needs.

For more information or to get started with BGES Group’s program, contact Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or email bgesgroup@gmail.com. Take the first step towards significant savings and enhanced service today.

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being canceled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, misclassified payrolls, or whatever your issue. We can help!  We have special programs for Auto Services, Contractors (especially in New York), Limousine Services, Logistics Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Truckers; we can help ANY tri-state business owner. We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that, if we can get you into, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability, and can cover multi-state operations. The program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits, too.  

If you want to speak with us, call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853, click here to email, or visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group

Essential Coverages and Limits Contractors Should Have Under Their Business Auto Policy

For contractors, having a comprehensive business auto policy is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s a vital component of managing risk and protecting their business assets. Given the unique nature of the construction industry, where vehicles are essential for transporting materials, equipment, and personnel, ensuring the right coverages and limits can be the difference between smooth operations and significant financial setbacks.

Primary Coverages in a Business Auto Policy

1. **Liability Coverage**: This is the cornerstone of any business auto policy. It covers bodily injury and property damage that the contractor or their employees may cause to others while operating company vehicles. Adequate liability limits are crucial, as accidents in the construction industry can lead to substantial claims. A common recommendation is to have at least $1 million in liability coverage, though higher limits may be necessary depending on the scale of operations and specific contract requirements.

2. **Physical Damage Coverage**: This includes collision and comprehensive coverage. Collision coverage pays for damage to the contractor’s vehicles resulting from collisions with other vehicles or objects, while comprehensive coverage handles non-collision-related incidents such as theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. Given the high cost of construction vehicles and equipment, ensuring these coverages are in place with appropriate limits is essential.

3. **Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage**: This protects the contractor and their employees if they are involved in an accident with a driver who either has no insurance or insufficient coverage. In an industry where road hazards and heavy traffic are common, this coverage provides an additional layer of financial protection.

Specialized Coverages for Contractors

In addition to the primary coverages, contractors should consider several specialized coverages tailored to their unique needs.

1. **Employer’s Non-Owned Auto Coverage**: Contractors often have employees who use their personal vehicles for company business. Employer’s non-owned auto coverage provides liability protection if an employee is involved in an accident while using their own car for work purposes. This coverage is crucial because the contractor’s liability exposure extends beyond the vehicles they own.

2. **Hired Auto Coverage**: Contractors frequently need to hire vehicles for temporary use. Whether it’s renting a truck for a large project or leasing additional vehicles during peak seasons, hired auto coverage ensures that these vehicles are covered under the business auto policy. This coverage protects against liability and physical damage for vehicles rented or leased in the company’s name.

3. **Drive Other Car Coverage**: This is particularly important for business owners who do not have personal auto policies. If the business owner rents a car while on vacation or for personal use, drive other car coverage extends the business auto policy’s liability and physical damage coverages to the rented vehicle. This ensures that the owner is protected even when driving a vehicle that is not owned by the business or listed on the business auto policy.

The Importance of Adequate Limits

Determining the right limits for a business auto policy is critical. While the minimum required limits might satisfy legal requirements, they often fall short in providing adequate financial protection. Contractors should work with their insurance specialists to assess their specific risks and determine suitable coverage limits. Factors such as the number of vehicles, the type and value of transported equipment, and the potential severity of accidents should be considered when setting limits.

Partnering with BGES Group for Optimal Coverage

Navigating the complexities of business auto policies can be daunting, especially for contractors who are focused on managing projects and meeting deadlines. This is where BGES Group can make a significant difference. As construction insurance specialists, BGES Group understands the unique risks and coverage needs of contractors. They offer tailored solutions that ensure comprehensive protection for business vehicles, employees, and operations.

Gary Wallach and his team at BGES Group bring years of expertise in the construction industry, providing personalized service and competitive pricing. They can help contractors assess their current coverage, identify gaps, and secure the necessary coverages and limits to safeguard their business.

Contact BGES Group

For expert assistance with your business auto policy and to ensure you have the right coverages and limits in place, reach out to BGES Group. Contact Gary Wallach at 914-906-5853 or email at bgesgroup@gmail.com. With their specialized knowledge and commitment to client success, BGES Group is the trusted partner for contractors seeking comprehensive and reliable insurance solutions.


A well-structured business auto policy is essential for contractors to protect their assets and manage risks effectively. By including primary coverages such as liability, physical damage, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, along with specialized coverages like employer’s non-owned auto, hired auto, and drive other car coverage, contractors can ensure comprehensive protection. Partnering with construction insurance specialists like BGES Group ensures that contractors receive expert guidance and tailored insurance solutions to meet their specific needs.

Struggling to Obtain Workers’ Compensation Coverage? BGES Group Has Solutions for NY, NJ, and CT Business Owners

Are you a business owner in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut and having trouble securing new workers’ compensation coverage? Look no further than BGES Group. We offer several distinct programs tailored to meet your needs.

1. Guaranteed Cost Workers’ Compensation Coverage

Our stand-alone insurance program, also known as guaranteed cost workers’ compensation coverage, ensures predictable and stable rates. This option is ideal for businesses seeking consistent coverage without the worry of fluctuating costs.

2. Payroll Workers’ Compensation Program

Our payroll workers’ compensation program offers competitive rates and coverage stability. With over 25 years of experience, our program provides seamless integration of payroll and workers’ compensation services. The savings on rates can often offset the payroll service fee, making this a cost-effective solution for many businesses.

3. Comprehensive Payroll Service, Workers’ Compensation, and Group Health Programs

We offer integrated payroll, workers’ compensation, and group health programs. These plans not only provide competitive rates and excellent service but also help you save on accounting fees by filing many of your accounting documents. Additionally, you may find better coverage and savings on group health insurance compared to your current plan. These programs are perfect for businesses with past loss problems, those facing cancellations, wanting to avoid invasive annual audits, or needing assistance with human resource issues.

4. State and Assigned Risk Plans

As a last resort, we utilize state and assigned risk plans to ensure that every business owner can obtain coverage. These plans are designed to provide a safety net, guaranteeing that you have the protection you need.

Special Programs for Specific Industries:

– Auto Service

– Construction, especially in New York

– Limousine Service

– Manufacturing

– Transportation

If you need help, contact Gary Wallach at BGES Group. His number is 914-806-5853. Let us provide you with the coverage and support your business needs.

BGES Group is one of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut’s Construction Insurance Specialists representing 50+ companies, including all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs. We offer all the coverage needed, including property, builders’ risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability, and group health.  Our commitment to you goes beyond the policies we provide. We are always just a call, text, or email away, ready to assist you, even on weekends. We understand the importance of your business and are here to help you navigate any insurance challenges.

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being canceled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, misclassified payrolls, or whatever your issue. We can help!  We have special programs for Auto Services, Contractors (especially in New York), Limousine Services, Logistics Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Truckers; we can help ANY tri-state business owner. We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that, if we can get you into, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability, and can cover multi-state operations. The program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits, too. 

If you want to speak with us, call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853, click here to email, or visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group

New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut Employers: Looking for a Way to Reduce Your Payroll Service, Workers’ Compensation, and Group Health Insurance?

New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut Employers: Looking for a Way to Reduce Your Payroll Service, Workers’ Compensation, and Group Health Insurance Costs? BGES Group Offers a Program That Can Do All Three!

As an employer in the Tri-State area, managing costs for payroll services, workers’ compensation, and group health insurance can be challenging. The good news is that BGES Group offers a comprehensive program that can help you save money on all three fronts.

Tailored Solutions for Your Business Needs

BGES Group understands that every business is unique. Whether you are looking to streamline your payroll services, reduce your workers’ compensation premiums, or find more affordable group health insurance options, BGES Group has the expertise to tailor solutions that fit your specific needs. Simply tell us what you aim to accomplish, and we will work diligently on your behalf to achieve your goals.

Specialists in Workers’ Compensation Insurance

As one of the Tri-State area’s leading workers’ compensation insurance specialists, BGES Group has helped hundreds of businesses save money over the years. Our deep understanding of the local market and the specific challenges faced by employers in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut allows us to provide targeted and effective solutions.

Experience and Personalized Service

One of the significant benefits of working with BGES Group is our extensive experience. With 44 years of helping businesses navigate their insurance needs, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Our clients appreciate the personalized service they receive. When you call us, you get immediate assistance from a knowledgeable professional, not a robot or an inexperienced customer service representative.

Immediate Assistance Without the Hassle

We understand the frustration of being placed on hold or dealing with automated systems when you need immediate assistance. At BGES Group, when you call us, you speak directly to a real person who is ready to help you with your specific needs. Our commitment to providing excellent customer service means you won’t have to deal with the inconvenience of being transferred from one department to another or explaining your issue multiple times.

Meet Gary Wallach, Your Go-To Expert

Gary Wallach, a veteran insurance expert, leads BGES Group. Gary’s hands-on approach ensures that each client receives the attention and expertise they deserve. He is dedicated to helping businesses find the best solutions for their payroll services, workers’ compensation, and group health insurance needs. When you call Gary at 914-806-5853, you can be confident that you are getting the best advice and support available.

Why Choose BGES Group?

Proven Track Record: BGES Group has a long history of helping businesses save money and improve their insurance coverage.

Expertise: With decades of experience, we understand the unique needs of employers in the Tri-State area.

Personalized Service: We provide immediate, personalized assistance without the hassle of automated systems.

Comprehensive Solutions: Our program addresses payroll services, workers’ compensation, and group health insurance, offering a one-stop solution for your business.

Don’t let high insurance and payroll costs burden your business. Contact Gary Wallach at BGES Group today and discover how we can help you save money while ensuring your business has the coverage it needs. Call 914-806-5853 or email bgesgroup@gmail.com and let us take care of your insurance needs so you can focus on running your business.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group

New York Contractors – Understanding New York Labor Laws 240 and 241 and Their Impact on Your Liability Insurance Costs

New York’s Labor Laws 240 and 241, commonly known as the “Scaffold Law,” play a pivotal role in the construction industry, particularly concerning contractor liability insurance costs. These laws impose strict liability on contractors and property owners for elevation-related injuries sustained by workers, making them crucial considerations in managing risk and insurance expenses.

Labor Law 240 (The Scaffold Law)

Labor Law 240 mandates that contractors and property owners provide adequate safety equipment to protect workers from elevation-related risks, such as falls from scaffolding, ladders, or other heights. If a worker is injured due to a fall or an object falling from a height, the contractor or property owner can be held absolutely liable, regardless of the worker’s own negligence.

Labor Law 241

Labor Law 241 extends protections to workers involved in construction, demolition, and excavation. It requires that specific safety protocols be followed to prevent accidents. This law encompasses a broader range of activities compared to Labor Law 240 and includes detailed regulations designed to ensure the safety of construction sites.

Impact on Contractor Liability Insurance Costs

The absolute liability imposed by these laws significantly impacts liability insurance costs for New York contractors. Insurers must account for the heightened risk of substantial claims, leading to higher premiums. These increased costs can strain contractors, particularly small to mid-sized businesses, who may struggle to afford the necessary coverage.

Examples of Labor Law Claims

1. Scaffold Collapse Incident: A worker on a scaffolding structure falls due to the scaffold collapsing. Despite the worker’s potential error in setting up the scaffold, the contractor is held liable under Labor Law 240. The resulting claim leads to substantial compensation costs.

2. Falling Object Accident: A construction worker is struck by a falling tool that was inadequately secured. Under Labor Law 240, the contractor is liable for the injury, leading to a significant insurance claim.

3. Unsafe Excavation Practices: A worker is injured in an excavation site where proper shoring was not provided. Under Labor Law 241, the contractor is liable for the injury, resulting in an expensive claim and higher insurance premiums.

Example of an Action Over Claim

An action over claim occurs when an injured worker sues a third party, such as a property owner, who then seeks indemnification from the contractor. For instance, if a subcontractor’s employee is injured and sues the property owner, the owner might file a claim against the general contractor for not providing a safe working environment. These claims add another layer of financial risk and complexity, further driving up insurance costs.

How BGES Group Helps Contractors Manage Insurance Costs

BGES Group specializes in construction insurance and understands the unique challenges posed by New York’s Labor Laws 240 and 241. By leveraging their expertise, BGES Group helps contractors obtain better pricing and quality coverage through several strategies:

1. Risk Management Consultation: BGES Group provides comprehensive risk management consultations to help contractors implement effective safety protocols, thereby reducing the likelihood of claims and potentially lowering insurance premiums.

2. Tailored Insurance Solutions: Understanding that every construction business is unique, BGES Group offers customized insurance solutions that cater to the specific needs and risks of each contractor, ensuring optimal coverage without unnecessary costs.

3. Advocacy and Support: BGES Group advocates on behalf of contractors during the underwriting process, helping to secure favorable terms and conditions from insurers. They also provide ongoing support in managing claims and mitigating their impact on future insurance costs.

For assistance with obtaining better pricing and quality coverage, contact Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or via email at bgesgroup@gmail.com. BGES Group is committed to helping New York contractors navigate the complexities of liability insurance, ensuring they are protected while keeping costs manageable.

BGES Group is one of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut’s Construction Insurance Specialists representing 50+ companies, including all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs. We offer all the coverage needed, including property, builders’ risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability, and group health.  Our commitment to you goes beyond the policies we provide. We are always just a call, text, or email away, ready to assist you, even on weekends. We understand the importance of your business and are here to help you navigate any insurance challenges.

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being canceled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, misclassified payrolls, or whatever your issue. We can help! We have special programs for Auto Services, Contractors (especially in New York), Limousine Services, logistics companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Truckers; we can help ANY tri-state business owner. We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that, if we can get you into, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability, and can cover multi-state operations. The program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits, too.

If you would like to speak with us, call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853, click here to email, or click here to visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group

The Five Most Common Workers’ Compensation Fraud Claims New York Contractor Employees Try to Get Away With

Workers’ compensation fraud is a prevalent issue that can significantly impact New York contractors, leading to higher premiums, financial losses, and even policy cancellations. Understanding the most common fraud claims can help contractors protect their businesses. Here are the five most common workers’ compensation fraud claims that New York contractor employees attempt:

1. **Exaggerated Injuries**

A frequent type of workers’ compensation fraud involves employees overstating the severity of their injuries. While the injury may be legitimate, the employee might claim it is more debilitating than it is, resulting in prolonged time off and increased compensation. Contractors can combat this by ensuring thorough medical evaluations and regular check-ins with injured employees.

2. **Non-Work-Related Injuries**

Some employees may attempt to pass off injuries sustained outside work as work-related incidents. This type of fraud can be challenging to prove, especially if there are no witnesses. Contractors should enforce strict reporting procedures and encourage immediate reporting of all injuries to verify the authenticity of claims.

3. **Malingering**

Malingering involves employees claiming benefits after they have recovered enough to return to work. They may extend their recovery period to receive extended benefits. Contractors can counter this by requiring regular medical updates and fitness-for-duty evaluations to ensure employees return to work as soon as possible.

4. **False Claims of Injury**

In some instances, employees may fabricate an injury entirely. This type of fraud is less common but can be extremely costly. Contractors should maintain a thorough investigation process for all reported injuries, including reviewing surveillance footage, if available, and interviewing potential witnesses to determine the claim’s legitimacy.

5. **Working While Receiving Benefits**

Also known as “double-dipping,” this type of fraud occurs when employees collect workers’ compensation benefits while working another job. This illegal practice unfairly burdens the employer. Contractors can mitigate this risk by conducting periodic surveillance and monitoring social media for signs that an employee is working elsewhere while claiming benefits.


Highlighting workers’ comp fraud is crucial for New York contractors. Fraudulent workers’ compensation claims can have severe financial repercussions, leading to increased workers’ compensation insurance costs and even policy cancellations. By being aware of these common types of fraud and implementing robust prevention and detection measures, contractors can protect their businesses from unnecessary losses.

If you are a New York contractor with several claims causing problems with the cost of your workers’ comp or if your insurance company is canceling your policy, contact Gary Wallach at BGES Group. Gary is a New York workers’ compensation specialist who can help you find a new policy. His phone number is 914-806-5853.

BGES Group is one of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut’s Construction Insurance Specialists representing 50+ companies, including all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs. We offer all the coverage needed, including property, builders’ risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability, and group health.  Our commitment to you goes beyond the policies we provide. We are always just a call, text, or email away, ready to assist you, even on weekends. We understand the importance of your business and are here to help you navigate any insurance challenges.

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being canceled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, misclassified payrolls, or whatever your issue. We can help!  We have special programs for Auto Services, Contractors (especially in New York), Limousine Services, Logistics Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Truckers; we can help ANY tri-state business owner. We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that, if we can get you into, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability, and can cover multi-state operations. The program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits, too. 

If you want to speak with us, call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853, click here to email, or visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

email: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2024 – BGES Group