Fleet insurance

Prompt Filing of Commercial Auto Claims Can Stave Off Big Problems

While a driving employee may be flustered after an accident and may not be thinking of reporting the incident immediately, for you, the policyholder, the clock starts ticking the moment the accident has occurred.

To ensure that the claim is dealt with in a timely manner and to prevent a number of unforeseen consequences, the sooner after an accident that you report a claim, the better.

The reason it’s so important to file the auto claim in a timely manner is that there is often a third party involved. If there is a gap between when the accident occurs and your insurer getting involved in the claim, the chances the third party may take legal action increase.

This is especially true in commercial auto accidents, since some people may be more likely to take legal action in the belief that a business has deeper pockets than an individual. And with a third party that is out of the business’s control, there are more uncertainties.

Here are a few reasons why dawdling on filing your commercial auto claim can be detrimental to you:

Better chance the third party takes legal action – Insurance companies know that the longer it takes them to contact the third party and/or their insurer, the more likely they will secure the services of a lawyer and sue your organization. Prompt response puts the other party more at ease and makes them confident the claim will be handled in a timely manner that makes them whole again.

Claims costs can increase – As time ticks on filing the claim, related costs (potentially for your firm and the third party) are likely to rise, including:

  • Repair costs
  • Car rental costs
  • Down time for the vehicle
  • Storage costs, and more.

More time spent dealing with tasks following the accident – If you delay in filing the claim, you will have to take on some of the administrative work that the claims adjuster would normally handle. Claims adjusters have at their disposal resources you may not have access to, such as specialist repair and recovery services.

Reduced chances of a good result – Claims adjusters are trained in assessing your liability after an accident, and are also trained in detecting fraud by the other party. The more that time passes after the accident, the harder it will be for the claims adjuster to detect any fraudulent activity on the part of the third party.

Reputation and brand vulnerability – These days, many people take their grievances to social media. If a member of the public feels slighted by your firm or that your company mistreated them in some way, they may vent about you on Facebook or Twitter or other social media platforms.

If, however, you file that claim quickly and the claims adjuster reaches out to them, the chances that the other party feels victimized will greatly diminish. Also, claims adjusters are adept at working with third parties and know how to relieve their stress about the accident.

Getting claims reported on time

As you can see from the above, it’s imperative that your insurer knows about the accident as soon as possible so they can assign a claims adjuster to step in. Zurich insurance recommends the following to make sure that happens:

  • Assess your internal reporting procedures for auto incidents. A lengthy internal “chain of command” slows down reporting to your broker and insurer.
  • Regardless of who is at fault, report it to your broker or carrier immediately.
  • Discourage your employees from trying to resolve the claim directly with the third party or that person’s insurance company.
  • Include incident reporting as part of your fleet safety training program. Make sure employees know to report accidents regardless of fault.
  • Never assume a claim will “just go away.”

BGES Group, located in Larchmont, N.Y. are New York Construction Insurance Specialists that represent 50+ companies and all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs!  We offer every coverage you need including property, builders risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability and group health.  We are extremely responsive, responsible, trustworthy, fast, minimize your insurance headaches, we don’t charge ridiculous policy or service fees and when you call, text or email, whatever time of day, even weekends, we are ARE THERE to help YOU! 

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being cancelled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, payrolls misclassified, whatever your issue, we can help!  We have special programs for: Auto Service, Contractors (especially New York), Limousine Services, Logistic Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, Truckers, we can help ANY tri-state business owner.  We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that if we can get you in, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability and can cover multi-state operations. Program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits too.

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

e-mail: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2023 – BGES Group

Filing an auto claim

Preparing for a Workers’ Compensation Audit

Just the mention of a workers’ compensation audit can stir up the butterflies in your stomach and add a serious dose of stress to your existence.

But, if you are scheduled for an audit, there is no need to dread it. A small amount of preparation and common sense can save you a lot of aggravation and money.


Devoting a few hours of effort now can save you a lot of time in the future. Give your full attention to the auditor and remain with them throughout the entire process. The process may take a couple of hours to complete, so make sure that the time and date of the scheduled audit are convenient for you. Call to reschedule the audit if it has been scheduled at an inopportune time.


As soon as you learn about the audit, begin to collect and organize:

  • Payroll records,
  • Overtime payroll records,
  • Classification divisions, and
  • Insurance certificates.

This should give you plenty of time to compose a summary of each, which will help you to better communicate important data during the audit process. Information that is well organized will also expedite the process. If you can reconcile your calculations to payroll records, such as W2s and payroll stubs, the auditor might be more comfortable trusting your data.

You will also want to make any needed adjustment to payrolls; for example, subtracting bonus pay from overtime pay.

If applicable, you will need to apply the maximum and minimum payrolls to the calculations. This part may take a little research, since the minimum and maximum will vary based on state, career, and even among sole proprietors, partners and executive officers.

Classification and subcontractors

Before the audit, review the different employee job classifications and make sure that each person is correctly classified.

This is a key element to ensure that the audit flows smoothly. If there’s any question about how to classify an employee, call us. The auditor is most likely going to ask you about the classification and job duties for multiple different employees, so be prepared and armed with knowledge.

One last important preparation concerns subcontractors. Payments issued to subcontractors can go against your workers’ compensation in the event that the subcontractor did not have a certificate of workers’ compensation.

You can get a copy of the certificate, but make sure that it is current and shows coverage during the time the subcontractor worked for you.


Once the audit arrives, you’ll be glad that you took a little time collecting, organizing and summarizing your information. You will also find that the auditor is not a nemesis, especially when you provide honest answers and organized paperwork.

At the conclusion of the audit, ask the auditor for the audit worksheet. Then ask us to review the accuracy of the final audit.

You have a legal right to ask for a corrected audit anytime you think there were any errors. If any overpayment was made under the last three preceding audits, you also have a legal right to recover it.

BGES Group, located in Larchmont, N.Y. are New York Construction Insurance Specialists that represent 50+ companies and all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs!  We offer every coverage you need including property, builders risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability and group health.  We are extremely responsive, responsible, trustworthy, fast, minimize your insurance headaches, we don’t charge ridiculous policy or service fees and when you call, text or email, whatever time of day, even weekends, we are ARE THERE to help YOU! 

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being cancelled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, payrolls misclassified, whatever your issue, we can help!  We have special programs for: Auto Service, Contractors (especially New York), Limousine Services, Logistic Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, Truckers, we can help ANY tri-state business owner.  We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that if we can get you in, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability and can cover multi-state operations. Program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits too.

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

e-mail: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2023 – BGES Group

general contractors insurance new york

The Risks of Not Keeping Up Your Commercial Property

If you own a commercial property or lease a building, you not only have to be concerned about risks that cause property damage, but also the risk of injury to visitors, customers and tenants.

It’s your legal responsibility to keep your property free of hazards that can result in injury or worse. If you fail to live up to your responsibility, you risk being sued by the injured party. And there are plenty of eager plaintiffs’ lawyers trawling for clients who have been injured on a commercial premises, which can yield them a fat settlement or court judgment.  

Customers, tenants and visitors to your property have the right to their safety and you have to identify and remediate any hazards. If you overlook anything and fail to exercise a reasonable level of care in keeping the property free from preventable hazards, a crafty plaintiff’s lawyer can exploit this weakness, giving them a greater chance of winning a personal injury case.

Commercial premises liability claims can involve a wide range of situations, including:

Slip, trip and fall accidents – A slip and fall may have occurred due to wet or damaged floors. Trips and falls may occur due to obstructions in walkways and poor lighting during evening hours.

Property defects – If you fail to keep up the property or conduct regular maintenance, hazards can easily develop. When hazards and property defects arise, it’s your responsibility to address them as soon as possible. And if it will take a while to make the repairs, you need to alert visitors, customers and tenants about the danger, like cordoning off an area and erecting visible signs warning of the hazard.

Negligent security – If your facility is located in an area with a higher than average level of criminal activity and break-ins, you are also expected to keep the premises and everybody visiting the site safe. If not, you can be held liable if anybody on the property falls victim to a crime.

Poor lighting, lack of security personnel, lack of security systems, and a lack of other safety measures can all lead to a negligent security claim.

Spotlight on inadequate lighting

There are three ways that inadequate lighting at a commercial property can contribute to a claim against your organization:

Making a safe area unsafe – Poor lighting can conceal conditions that would not be considered a hazard under normal lighting as they would be visible. Inadequate lighting makes it harder to see curbs, inclines in walkways, steps, borders for planters and other decorations.

Masking existing hazards – Inadequate lighting can be especially dangerous when it serves to conceal the presence of hazardous defects already existing on a property. For example, if a foreign substance has been spilled on the floor, while that would be considered a hazardous condition even when fully illuminated, it becomes doubly hazardous when obscured by darkness.

Creating a magnet for crime – Poor lighting can give cover and concealment to criminals intent on mugging or harming individuals at your property in the evenings. If you create conditions for a mugger to sneak up on someone in your dim parking lot or near the entrance to a poorly lit building, they could sue you for negligence.

How insurance can help

Commercial general liability insurance is an essential part of every business owner’s insurance portfolio. It protects you and your business from claims of injury, property damage and negligence related to your business activities. 

One of the most essential parts of the policy is premises liability coverage. This portion of the policy offers bodily injury and property damage coverage related to the ownership or maintenance of business premises.

Every business owner has some type of premises liability exposure. Any injury on your business premises, no matter how minor, can result in a lawsuit. The costs associated with defending yourself and paying damages can be devastating for your business. Premises liability coverage gives you – and your guests – the protection you need.

But, you should note that premises liability insurance does not cover:

  • Employee injuries
  • Damage to your own business property (from fire, vandalism, theft, etc.)

If you are leasing space in a commercial building, your liability typically ends at the front door to your office and anything beyond that is the responsibility of the property owner. If you own and occupy a building, the entire property is your responsibility.

If you want more information on this type of insurance or want to evaluate your current coverage, give us a call.

BGES Group, located in Larchmont, N.Y. are New York Construction Insurance Specialists that represent 50+ companies and all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs!  We offer every coverage you need including property, builders risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability and group health.  We are extremely responsive, responsible, trustworthy, fast, minimize your insurance headaches, we don’t charge ridiculous policy or service fees and when you call, text or email, whatever time of day, even weekends, we are ARE THERE to help YOU! 

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being cancelled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, payrolls misclassified, whatever your issue, we can help!  We have special programs for: Auto Service, Contractors (especially New York), Limousine Services, Logistic Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, Truckers, we can help ANY tri-state business owner.  We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that if we can get you in, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability and can cover multi-state operations. Program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits too.

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

e-mail: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2023 – BGES Group

New York construction insurance

As Workplaces Become More Diverse, Training Is Key

After R&B star SZA said she had security called on her while shopping at a Zefora store in California, the chain closed all of its U.S. outlets for an hour to conduct “inclusion workshops” for its 16,000 employees.

Zefora understood the swift backlash that can hit a company that has acted inappropriately towards a customer, particularly if they are a minority individual. Unfortunately, it is not the only company that has made the spotlight in recent years thanks to rogue employees that cross the line and harass or discriminate against a customer, co-worker, vendor or partner.

And in the age of people video-recording these encounters, a rogue employee could sink your company if the target decides to take legal action with that video proof in hand.

The second threat is the potential backlash of customers shunning your company once the word spreads — often on social media. This was the case with two Oregonians who ended up closing their bakery after the public backlash that followed their decision to not bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple.

The best way for an organization to set a tone of tolerance is through diversity or inclusion training to guide them in their day-to-day interactions with co-workers, customers, partners, vendors and others. While this type of training is not mandated by any state or federal agency, it is recommended whether or not you have a diverse workforce or client base.

Implementing a diversity training program is also an important step in helping to reduce the risk of workplace discrimination and harassment claims. In settling discrimination cases, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission often requires companies to educate employees on the importance of diversity in hiring and promotion, and how to avoid stereotypes.

A proactive employer that wants to avoid problems from the get-go would take that step without being required to.

Diversity training more important than ever

Our country is becoming more diverse with each passing year. It’s not only different races and religions, but also sexual orientation and alternative lifestyles.

The norms that dictated behavior a half-century ago are transforming. To minimize the risk that employees, supervisors or managers step out of line in this new era, employers must develop an awareness of diversity within their business through appropriate training.

Diversity in the workplace is apparent in everything from our names to the types of food we eat, and long-taboo subjects are now discussed freely. People with disabilities often work alongside openly gay co-workers, for example, and a variety of languages are spoken by employees and customers alike.

Elements of a strong training program

For diversity training to succeed, managers must find ways to integrate the training into daily tasks. It must go beyond a once-a-year training session. Here are some ideas:

  • Draw the line — Make it clear that intolerance is not acceptable, and that those demonstrating prejudice have no place in your organization.
  • Get management buy-in — Ingrain in your managers and supervisors the importance of diversity to both boost worker satisfaction and as a risk management tool to avoid lawsuits. Managers should understand the personnel dynamics among the staff they manage, as well as interactions with customers.
  • Treat everyone with respect — Employees should be told that if they prejudge a customer or co-worker and treat them as a lesser individual, they can face being reprimanded and, if the offense is serious enough, fired.
  • Have a system for handling complaints — Create procedures that all managers must follow if they receive a complaint about harassment or discriminatory behavior, or if an employee witnesses another employee treating a co-worker, customer, vendor or other person in a demeaning way.
  • Hold a seminar for all employees — Review what is acceptable and what is not, and cover all of the above. Try to focus on positives and give employees the opportunity to ask questions.

BGES Group, located in Larchmont, N.Y. are New York Construction Insurance Specialists that represent 50+ companies and all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs!  We offer every coverage you need including property, builders risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability and group health.  We are extremely responsive, responsible, trustworthy, fast, minimize your insurance headaches, we don’t charge ridiculous policy or service fees and when you call, text or email, whatever time of day, even weekends, we are ARE THERE to help YOU! 

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being cancelled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, payrolls misclassified, whatever your issue, we can help!  We have special programs for: Auto Service, Contractors (especially New York), Limousine Services, Logistic Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, Truckers, we can help ANY tri-state business owner.  We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that if we can get you in, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability and can cover multi-state operations. Program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits too.

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

e-mail: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2023 – BGES Group

Should You Keep Your Employer Coverage if Eligible for Medicare?

If you are approaching 65 years of age, are still working and plan to continue to do so for the next few years, you may be wondering if you need to enroll in Medicare if you receive coverage from your employer.

Even though you can enroll in Medicare three months before your 65th birthday, you may want to delay enrolling and continue using your employer’s plan until you retire.

Fortunately, Medicare special enrollment periods allow most people who are still working at age 65 with employer coverage to delay enrollment in Parts A, B, C and D without any penalties.

If you’re unsure, you may want to follow these tips:

  • Know when you are eligible to delay enrollment
  • If you or your spouse is still actively working for a company with at least 20 full-time employees and you get health insurance and drug coverage through them, you are most likely eligible to delay enrollment in any of the parts of Medicare until you or your spouse retires — with a few exceptions.
  • If you have COBRA coverage or you work for a company with fewer than 20 employees, then you should consider joining Medicare at 65.

Why delay?

If you stay with your employer-sponsored plan, your insurance will likely be the primary payer and Medicare the secondary payer.

If you have Medicare as well as other health insurance or coverage, “coordination of benefits” rules decide which one pays first.

If your employer health plan doesn’t pay all of your bill, the doctor or health care provider should send it to Medicare for secondary payment. Medicare will look at what your group health plan paid and pay any additional costs up to the Medicare-approved amount. You’ll have to pay whatever costs Medicare or the employer health plan doesn’t cover.

Typically, though, employer health insurance covers more of the costs than Medicare does. And in those instances, Medicare would not be tapped for payment. In other words, you are unlikely to see any cost savings under Medicare if you have both.

The takeaway

For most people, it makes sense to delay enrollment in Medicare until they retire.

However, it might also make sense to enroll right away in some parts of Medicare and delay enrollment in others.

For example, some seniors will enroll in Part A when they first become eligible, because it is free for most people.

But they may forgo enrolling in Medicare Part B because the coverage may be on par with their employer-sponsored health plan.

If you have questions, call us and we can help you determine how you may want to proceed.

BGES Group, located in Larchmont, N.Y. are New York Construction Insurance Specialists that represent 50+ companies and all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs!  We offer every coverage you need including property, builders risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability and group health.  We are extremely responsive, responsible, trustworthy, fast, minimize your insurance headaches, we don’t charge ridiculous policy or service fees and when you call, text or email, whatever time of day, even weekends, we are ARE THERE to help YOU! 

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being cancelled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, payrolls misclassified, whatever your issue, we can help!  We have special programs for: Auto Service, Contractors (especially New York), Limousine Services, Logistic Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, Truckers, we can help ANY tri-state business owner.  We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that if we can get you in, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability and can cover multi-state operations. Program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits too.

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

e-mail: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2023 – BGES Group

Workers comp insurance

Take Advantage of Safer Construction Devices

Advancements are making construction workplaces safer thanks to innovative new designs that learn from the past and the weaknesses of equipment that has been used in construction for decades.

Construction firms that don’t keep up with the latest in safety devices are missing an opportunity to save lives, reduce workplace injuries and avoid costly workers’ compensation and liability claims. Many of these advancements, which have shown to significantly reduce workplace injuries and deaths, have already been adopted by construction firms in Europe.

If you are trying to make your workplace safer for your employees as well as third parties, you may want to look into the following ways to achieve this.

Lifts instead of ladders

Falls (particularly from ladders) are the leading cause of injuries on construction worksites. If possible, mechanized lifts are a safer substitution. Low-level access lifts aren’t one-size-fits-all. There are many options to choose from, whether you need a highly portable lift or an eco-friendly crank lift. These lifts allow you to fit into tight spots and reposition easily.

Safer electrical panels

Most electrical panels have metal doors that close and lock, making it impossible for workers to know if the panel is energized unless they open the door to check. A safer solution is to use windows on the panel so that workers can safely see if it is energized, before commencing work, reducing the chance of electrocution.

Safer fastener systems

Some of these systems drive fasteners into concrete with a tiny explosive charge that produces lead dust. Consider using another system that doesn’t use lead, a heavy metal that is dangerous if inhaled.

Safer steel framing studs

Many steel framing studs have sharp steel edges that greatly increase the risk of workers cutting themselves. In addition, to protect their hands, workers have to use gloves when carrying and installing these studs.

However, there are steel framing studs on the market that have rolled edges. They cost a bit more, but they provide protection against a common injury that can involve going to the hospital for stitches.

Drop-arrest hoisting systems

Using ropes to lift heavy loads is always fraught with danger. It’s not unheard of that material and equipment falls on workers below if the rope is suddenly released. To prevent that from happening, European contractors have increasingly been using drop-stop load arrestors, which will stop a load from falling to the ground if the hoist is suddenly released.

How they work: The drop arrestor’s spring-tensioned cable is connected to the load. If the device senses a fall when the connected object’s downward movement speed exceeds the lock-on inertia rate, the system arrests the fall.

Reducing slips

Installing anti-slip floor mats on areas that get wet or are naturally more slippery can significantly cut down on slips and falls, which are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries. While people do fall from heights, the majority of slip and fall accidents are same-level incidents that can lead to long-term work absence and even permanent disability.

Auto shut-off saws

One manufacturer, Oregon-based SawStop, makes table saws featuring a patented automatic braking system that stops and retracts the blade upon contact with skin or flesh. Saws with this kind of system can greatly reduce amputations, which are common among people who use table saws.

While most saws have guards over the blades, auto shut-offs are an added safety measure that can give you and your workers peace of mind.

The takeaway

The above items have been highlighted because they are easy solutions that are within reach, but which many contractors are not taking advantage of. They also address some of the most common sources of injuries in construction worksites.

BGES Group, located in Larchmont, N.Y. are New York Construction Insurance Specialists that represent 50+ companies and all the BEST general & umbrella liability programs!  We offer every coverage you need including property, builders risk, inland marine, general liability, umbrella liability, auto, bid & performance bonds, workers’ compensation, N.Y.S. disability and group health.  We are extremely responsive, responsible, trustworthy, fast, minimize your insurance headaches, we don’t charge ridiculous policy or service fees and when you call, text or email, whatever time of day, even weekends, we are ARE THERE to help YOU! 

BGES Group are Workers’ Compensation Insurance Specialists for Tri-State Business Owners: Unhappy with your rates, company, being cancelled, losses causing difficulty getting coverage, in the middle of an audit dispute, payrolls misclassified, whatever your issue, we can help!  We have special programs for: Auto Service, Contractors (especially New York), Limousine Services, Logistic Companies, Manufacturers, Recyclers, Truckers, we can help ANY tri-state business owner.  We are considered “Preferred Agents” for this one program that if we can get you in, their pricing is excellent, offers long-term coverage stability and can cover multi-state operations. Program takes the hassle out of doing annual audits too.

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538

e-mail: bgesgroup@gmail.com

website: http://www.bgesgroup.com

© – Copyright – 2023 – BGES Group

construction worksite safety