Contractors – Unhappy with Your Liability, Auto, Umbrella, Workers Comp or Health Insurance Pricing, Coverage or Broker’s Services?

BGES Group is one of tri-states “Construction Insurance Specialists” who can help you with the following:

  1. If you’re unhappy with your pricing let us market your account to our network of 50 construction insurance companies and find you better.
  2. We represent “The Top Main Street” programs and “All The Best Surplus Line Plans” too.
  3. We have incredible leverage with carriers and can get you very, very, very competitive pricing and coverage usually better than most agencies.
  4. Unlike 99% of agencies, “Construction Insurance” is our specialty so we know the nuances of each company’s coverage, limitations, exclusions and conditions.  We are NOT ORDER takers!  You need to deal with someone that really knows what they’re doing otherwise when a claim occurs, you can be uncovered.  We “ARE THE CONSTRUCTION AGENCY” you want to represent YOU!
  5. Tell us what your issues are.  Let us find you a better fit.
  6. Need help with insurance contract reviews?  We have a department set up to review contracts before you sign them.
  7. Need help dealing with “Real Estate Management Companies?”  We can step in and talk to them on your behalf so you can focus on work and we can get you approved.
  8. Need help screening subs insurance.  We have a department set up to screen subs insurance to make sure 1) They are in compliance with your policy insurance requirements; 2) You are properly protected in the event of a claim.
  9. Can’t get someone on the phone when you need help?   You will be able to get us day or evening by calling 914-806-5853.  No more talking to a phone system.  No more waiting on hold.  No more hearing your contact is out to lunch or in a meeting or on vacation.  Call when you need and we will be there to help!
  10. Other coverages we can help you with:
    1. Business Auto – We have 5 companies to market your account to.
    2. Commercial Umbrella Liability – We represent all the best liability companies.  Unhappy with the pricing you pay, try us.
    3. Worker’s Compensation – We offer Stand-a-Lone Policies, Payroll/WC Programs; Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) and State and Assigned Risk Plans.  Unhappy with your company, service, their audits, want to get away from the carrier you now have, we can get you better.
    4. Bonds – We have a separate bonding department with extensive expertise, leverage and we can get the job done for you when most can’t.  Need better rates, higher bond limits, try us!
    5. Group Health – We have a separate health department set up for our clients.  Rates keep going up.  Coverage keeps changing.  Most people worry when they get sick what kind of bills they are going to have to pay.  Let us help you through this maze.  Call 914-806-5853 and ask fro Gary.

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.

BGES Group’s office, located in Larchmont, NY is a full service insurance agency offering, Property, Liability, Umbrella Liability, Business Auto, Bid & Performance Bonds, Inland Marine, Worker’s Compensation, Workers Compensation Premium Recovery, New York State Disability, Group Health, Life insurance, Personal lines and Identity Theft.

Special Contractor Insurance Programs (NY, NJ, CT) – We we have 50+ insurance companies to market your general liability, umbrella liability, business auto, workers compensation, bid & performance bonds and group health coverages. We help contractors set up proper risk transfer. If you’re a contractor we offer extensive information about insurance markets, coverages, risk transfer, subcontractor screening, ways to lower your insurance costs.

BGES Group are Worker’s Compensation Specialists for the States of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut – Issues we address: 1) Lowering pricing – we have specialty programs that can save you up to 40%; 2) Finding a new company; 3) Replacing policies that are being cancelled or non renewed; 4) Audit disputes; 5) Company creating fictitious payroll at audit time; 6) Lowering high experience modifications factors; 7) Misclassification of payrolls; 8) Lowering or eliminating renewal deposits;  9) Getting coverage when you’ve been without for a few months; 10) Covering multiple states under one policy; 11) Eliminating 10% service or policy fees; 12) Timely issuance of certificates; 13) Always being able to get someone on the phone or by email when you need to.

If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.

Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538



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