Most New York contractors are looking for ways to reduce their General & Umbrella Liability rates. Some like Restoration and Roofers pay exorbitant rates!
Many have a “Labor Law Exclusion” which cuts their cost in half but places them in a very precarious position. This exclusion also bars them from taking on lots of work.
There are a bunch of exclusions like sub contractor, height, exterior work that get included that most contractors are not aware of their specific language. Worse, their brokers don’t understand either!
Finally, contractors are asked to include various parties as additional insured’s and waiver of subrogation. Unbeknown to them, their policies are not covering them properly.
Many of you are with agencies that insure hundreds even over 1,000 contractors. At first glance this is impressive until you realize the people who service your account don’t have time to think, their operation is one big factory and how they service your account is “Hazardous To Your Wealth!”
Big is not better! Dealing with factory agencies is not better! Dealing with inexperienced people is not better especially when it comes to large amounts of YOUR money!
At BGES Group we have over 42 years experience and designed our office as a “Boutique Agency” so clients are treated like “Royalty!”
In addition, construction insurance is our specialty so you’ll be dealing with the sharpest people around who know the ins and outs of insurance and who you will learn to really, really trust!
If you can get better coverage at lower rates, deal with a boutique agency, have a 42 year “Construction Insurance Expert” servicing your account and get the best of the best service, isn’t it worth picking up the phone and calling?
If you would like to speak with us call Gary Wallach at 914-806-5853 or click here to email or click here to visit our website.
Special Contractor Insurance Programs (NY, NJ, CT) – We we have 60+ insurance companies to market your general liability, umbrella liability, business auto, workers compensation, bid & performance bonds and group health coverages. We help contractors set up proper risk transfer. If you’re a contractor we offer extensive information about insurance markets, coverages, risk transfer, subcontractor screening, ways to lower your insurance costs.
Company: BGES Group, 216A Larchmont Acres West, Larchmont, NY 10538
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